Stadium #24 - Sun Life Stadium
Miami, Florida
August 4, 2010
Philadelphia Phillies V Florida Marlins

The drive up to the stadium.

It is SO big! But very fewer people attend baseball games here, so we got up front parking!

Getting closer! The ramps and stairs are so colorful!

Flags of the MLB teams are flying all around the stadium top.

It's like Find Waldo, only it's Find Heather! I'm there, but very small because the stadium is so huge!

Posing with the Marlin outside the stadium.

An hour before game time and this is what the stadium looks like... :( Very disappointing. There's NO one here!

Or over here!

As we walked around the stadium we still did not find very many people. This is the eating area. I'm sure it's packed when it's football time!

Walking around.

Looking down the walkway. Still no one... Where are the fans? I'm not even there that early!

2012 The Florida Marlins will have a new ballpark! And they certainly need it! I think it's hard for baseball and football teams to share a field (and very few still do).

As you walk around there are signs for each decade. They are mostly dedicated to football, but some baseball is on a few! This is the one from the 1990's.

1993, 1997, and 2003 World Series winners!

Since there are very few fans we were able to sneak into an area that leads into the locker rooms, dugouts, and special restricted areas. No one seemed to care that we were just walking around in this area. I'm sure if they were doing well and there were a lot of people, we would have had to show tickets to be near the area!! haha I guess I lucked out this time!
This is the 1997 World Series trophey

Me with the 2003 World Series trophey

For some reason, there was a huge marlin on the wall! ;)

Past players memorabilia


Past mangers


The home team hat picture!

Trevor and I by a Florida Marlins sign

Getting closer to game time and there's a few more people...Not many. With 5 minutes to game time, the skies opened up and it started to pour!!!

There were a few die hards who stayed in their seats. I ran for the tunnel and hung out there with most of the people who were sitting in my section.

The Rain Delay... :(

Waiting in the tunnel...

Still waiting.... and it's still raining.

Rain delay still, so they put the Braves game on the big screen for people to watch. That was nice! I got to see my Chipper Jones!

The team just hanging out waiting for the rain to go away.

Skies have cleared!!! :) Put that rain tarp away!

An hour after the original start time, good thing I wasn't going to work in the morning!

Now that the game is going I can really look around the ballpark. This is their strike out meter.

The big screen.... Lots of good information for the fans! I like it!

A closer view.

The game is over. The Marlins lost.

A view of the stadium from outside at night.

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