Well the SF Giants made it to the post season! :) YAY!!!
The National League Division Series (NLDS) was against the Atlanta Braves. I was able to get tickets to game #2 in San Francisco!

My friend, Shannon and I waiting to get into AT&T Park! We are ready for game #2!

The masses of people, also waiting to get in!

Views around AT&T Park from my very expensive seats!

Another view

The orange pom-poms being waved around in the bleacher seats.

Panda and Lou Seal during the Star Spangled Banner

And the rockets red glare!!

Humm Baby!! :) Go Giants!

I'm proud to be a part of the largest crowd in AT&T Park history! :) I've been to a lot of sell-out games, but the largest crowd! WOW!


Shannon and I loving our Giants baseball!

Sanchez at bat

Night views of AT&T Park

Another night view

Unfortunately, the Giants lost this game. But we were able to take the series from the Atlanta Braves to become the NL Division Winners! :) Now on to the National League Series against the Philadelphia Phillies.
Tonight was pure torture!!! Suiting since the entire season has some form of torture involved with the SF Giants! But we were able to knock the Phillies out 4 games to 2, to become the NATIONAL LEAGUE CHAMPIONS!!!! :) Good job boys!!!
Now, on to the WORLD SERIES!!! Look out Texas, I'm not sure you'll know what's about to hit you! It's called the SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS!!! :)
P.s. I'm looking for world series tickets so if any of my wonderful blog followers want to help a girl out...hint hint! :)