Stadium #10 Miller Park
July 1, 2009
New York Mets V. Milwaukee Brewers
July 1, 2009
New York Mets V. Milwaukee Brewers
We have arrived!! 6 hours on the road from St. Louis and we are now in Milwaukee, Wisconsin! Here are some views of Miller Park as we were still driving up.
It kind of looks like a giant spaceship! =)
We parked and walked up to the stadium, but on our walk we discovered that tail-gating is a way of life in Wisconsin. They not only bring their large BBQ's, but they bring food to share with others, games to play (other than throwing a ball around, which we saw too!) and drinks! Next time we come with a group and party it up before the game! The parking lots are across the freeway from the ballpark, but there is a large bridge over the freeway. This is the sign just before the bridge.
More flags on light posts! They had lots of different Brewers players (past and present) on their flags.
Closer to the stadium now...Here are some more views
And don't forget the ballpark plus us!
I love being a tourist sometimes!! I get to take pictures with statues! =)
Robin Yount
Henry "Hank" Aaron
There's not as much outside the ballpark, so it's time to go inside. The park is labled with what area of the park you are entering.
First stop, buying my pin and or course our home team hat picture!
Second stop, a view from behind home plate.
Third stop, our seats!
They drove the game ball in on a Harley Davidson motorcycle!
Another inside game...The retractable roof is closed for today's game. Here's a look down the left field seating and the right field seating.
We did not have the best seats, as there was a large steel column to support the massive roof in our way. We could see most of the field, but not much of the left field corner. I guess you get what you pay for!?!
Views around the stadium
This is Bernie's Dugout. He is the Brewer's mascot. He goes down this slide into a vat of beer when the Brewer's hit a homerun. Unfortunately, we were not able to see this.
The Hall of Fame numbers. There are 3 on one side of the scoreboard.
The scoreboard. I feel it has just the right amount of information.
A view of the scoreboard with the roof.
Julia and I waiting for the game to pick up and have some action. This was the most boring game I have ever been to...
Miller stadium is known for the sausage races. They have a hot dog, Italian, Polish, Chirizo, and the Brat. They race each other around the park.
Here it is!
The Italian sausage wins for the 9th time this year!
The clock with the 5 sausage racers around it!
7th inning stretch
They sang take me out to the ball game followed by a barrel song. It was cool!
It was a VERY boring game without many hits or action. So towards the end the Brewers were trying to get their fans into it.
And it worked! It got loud, but unfortunately the Brewers were unable to score and the New York Mets won. Here they are celebrating.
Our after the game picture
Walking out back to the car...You are welcome Miller Park!
Of course, after we leave the ballpark, they open the roof. Here is an outside view.
We are on the road again! No time to stay in Milwaukee. 2 hours to go until we reach Chicago. We see our 4th game in 4 days tomorrow.
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