Stadium #13
Safeco Park
July 6, 2009
Baltimore Orioles V. Seattle Mariners
Safeco Park
July 6, 2009
Baltimore Orioles V. Seattle Mariners
Karen drove up to come to the game with us, but isn't pictured :(
When you walk into Safeco Field there is a HUGE chandelier of baseball bats. They are all hand blown glass! It was really cool!
Banners as you walk up the stairs
We also got hats with Right Fielder Ichiro on it!
The first view of the field during batting practice
Walking around Safeco Field
We have our picture taken with the moose in the Moose Den!
Views of Safeco Field
It was Japanese Heritage Night.
Waiting for the game to start
Right before the boards stopped working! It was hard not knowing the count, inning, and score. We could barely see a manual board to get the score!
Outfield views
Right Field
The sun is setting, but it was still light for the whole game! It was a very fast game too!
Final Score
Baltimore Orioles - 0
Seattle Mariners - 5
The Mariner's celebrating their win!
After the game picture!
Leaving Safco Field
I had fun at Safeco Field even if all the screens weren't working! Thank you Karen for driving up to join us, it was fun!! :)
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