June 19, 2009
Los Angeles Dodgers v. Anaheim Angels
Here is Angel Stadium of Anaheim (walking up through the parking lot)
It has been SO much fun going to the different stadiums. It is really neat to see the different things they have. The angels have two really large baseball hats in front of their stadium. A far view of them:
Just like the real hats! Inside the hats:
Close up:
Julia and I outside Angels Stadium
Closer view
In Memory of Nick Adenhart
The home team hat picture!
Views around the stadium
The waterfall in Center Field
Waiting for the game to start
This stadium is pretty cool! Our seats were on the first base side near the right fielder. My only complaint about this was that our seats were facing straight ahead towards center field. It would have been nice to have the seat angled a bit more. There were A LOT of Dodger fans at the game. I felt like we were in the Dodger section (although we weren't!) Here's a picture of 3 Dodger fans that would jump up and clap, high five, and knuckle each other for any and every thing about the Dodgers.
I really liked how they had their big screen with facts and line ups. It was clean (not busy or distracting) and easy to read.
We put our sweatshirts on a lot earlier here in Anaheim than we did in LA, but it was still a nice weather game. Not too cold in the seats, just a slight breeze.
Julia being silly while I was getting some food.
I wanted to compare the nachos at each ball park. But by looking at them here at Angel Stadium I knew I wouldn't be satisfied so I passed tonight. But Kevin had them and said they were good. But they still are NO where near as good as AT&T park because they drench the chips in cheese and both Dodger Stadium and Angel Stadium have bags of chips (so they are 100% fresh!) and cheese on the side. This means no soggy chips...I love the soggy chips!
When the Angels are behind and need a rally they call on support from the rally monkey.
I don't know the real meaning behind this monkey, but they had some really cute short videos with the monkey and lots of fans had stuffed monkeys!
This was a great and action filled game.
The final was
LA Dodgers - 4
Anaheim Angels - 5
Every Friday night at Angel Stadium they have fireworks. Our seats were a perfect view of them.
Me with "The Big A" behind me
Apparently, traffic pictures intrigue me! I guess it's just because after Giants games we are out and on the freeway right away. We never sit in traffic. But in LA and now here in Anaheim, we saw LOTS of traffic!
After the game, we drove to San Diego to stay at Kevin's house. Plus then we are already in SD for the Padre game!
Very informative article and nice pics. Now a days many travellers visit stadium also.we have more than 10, 000 stadiums in over 223 countries.Wembley’s 90,000 capacity makes it the second largest stadium in Europe after Camp Nou. Estadio Azteca is the fifth largest stadium in the world. Camp Nou is the largest stadium in Europe and the eleventh largest in the entire world. Millenium Stadiumis the national stadium of Welsh, capacity of 74,500. It is widely known as La Bombonera (the Chocolate Box) due to its shape. Estádio Jornalista Mário Filho of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is a largest stadium in South America. For more details refer Arena Stadiums